Medical Management Consultations

Occupational Health Care Services


Injury and Work Absence Management

The total unscheduled work absence in an organisation can be regarded as a parameter for the well-being of your organisation and employees. However, non-life threatening work related injury, whether physical or mental in nature, cannot always be avoided. Injuries may result in loss of productivity time when medical treatment is required. This could be the starting point for absenteeism. Even with an injury, your employee may be able to function optimally in his or her role with/without restriction. We offer medical advice on alternative duties, graded return to work (RTW) as part of measures to be taken to reduce loss of productivity time for your injured employee.

What do we offer?

  • Injury management and follow-up of the injured employee
  • Assistance in managing non-work-related injuries
  • Managing work absenteeism and work reintegration
  • Referral to medical specialists and allied health workers, depending on the work related condition requiring referral.


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