Occupational Exposure Management

Occupational Health Care Services

1. Health surveillance

Health surveillance or biological Monitoring is designed to detect ill health effects in workers at an early stage and allow employers to better controls to prevent the development of disease. Health surveillance of employees aims to promote and maintain the health of employees against potential occupational risks. It is a legal requirement for employees who are exposed to specific hazardous substances to undergo health surveillance. Every employer must protect his employees against possible exposure to biological, physical and chemical agents solvents, fumes, dusts, biological agents and other substances hazardous to health. Chemical agents are most simply defined as hazardous active substances which pose a potential danger to the safety and health of employees. It entails hazardous chemical substances such as Isocyanates, Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, asbestos etc.

Below are categories of employees for which a systematic of ongoing periodical health monitoring. is required:

  • Employees with a safety function (e.g. fork-lift truck drivers, operators of hazardous installations, carriers of service weapons).
  • Employees with a role of increased vigilance (e.g. supervision of the operation of hazardous installations).
  • Employees who perform an activity with a specific risk:
  • Exposure to physical, biological or chemical agents.
  • Exposure to stress of an ergonomic nature or heaviness of work, monotonous or tempo-related work that can lead to physical or mental stress (e.g. manual handling of loads).

What do we offer?

At the request of the employer health surveillance can be extended for employees who are at potential occupational hazards. We may keep track of when such examinations are needed and contact you for an appointment.

2. Management of Accidental Blood and bodily fluid Contacts

More than 12,000 puncture accidents occur annually in the healthcare sector. These 'Accidental Blood and bodily fluid Contacts' pose a great risk particularly to health care provider's health due to communicable diseases such as hepatitis B, hepatitis C, HIV and other infections.

Biological agents

Every employer must protect his employees against possible exposure to biological, physical and chemical agents. More generally, agents are 'influences' that can generate reactions within an organism. Here it concerns 'influences' to which employees can be exposed.

Biological agents include the following: microorganisms, cell cultures and human endoparasites that can cause infection, allergies or intoxication.

What do we offer?

Exposure management, advice and follow up after exposure to blood and bodily fluids or other biological/chemical agents.

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