Preventative Health and Wellness

Occupational Health Care Services


The well-being of your employees is undoubtedly very important to you. It also pays off to have satisfied and healthy employees who like their work, are motivated and as a result are more productive. Out of duty of care and considerations, such as the responsibility for employee well-being at work and legal obligations to conduct a health and safety prevention policy.

What do we offer?

Whether you are responsible for a large or small organisation, Prosano is your partner. Prosano partners with you to offer support you with an integrated approach to building a healthy organisation by designing a tailored health management program appropriate for your workforce. We can, based on a simple on-line health assessment screening tool draw up a plan together to further organise and structure the prevention policy and work together on its implementation.

Travel Advice and Vaccinations

A number of vaccinations and tuberculin tests (detection of possible TB infection) are mandatory for certain target groups and workers, including hepatitis B and tetanus vaccinations. Other vaccines protect employees against certain occupational risks. The employer should make these vaccines available to the employee such as hepatitis A for example, if the risk analysis shows that the employee is professionally exposed to the relevant biological agents.

Even after other vaccinations prevent employees from becoming ill, such as the influenza vaccination. Our offer Tailor-made vaccination policy and at the request of the employer, whether or not after advice from the prevention consultant-occupational physician: Hepatitis B Tetanus Tuberculin tests Flu Hepatitis A Varicella Meningitis The measles. Also travel advice for employees and executives with assignments abroad.

A number of vaccinations and tuberculin tests (detection of possible TB infection) are mandatory for certain target groups and workers, including hepatitis B and tetanus vaccinations. Other vaccines protect employees against certain occupational risks. The employer should make these vaccines the available to the employee, such as hepatitis A, for example, if the risk analysis shows that the employee is professionally exposed to the relevant biological agents.

Even after other vaccinations prevent employees from becoming ill, such as influenza vaccination. Our offer Tailor-made vaccination policy and at the request of the employer, whether or not after advice from the prevention consultant-occupational physician: Hepatitis B Tetanus Tuberculin tests Flu Hepatitis A Varicella Meningitis The measles. Also travel advice for employees and executives with assignments abroad.

Health Promotion

At the organisational level a risk analysis can be made about the various themes by means of our online Health Assessment tool. Health questionnaires about various themes, for example in relation to eating habits, movement, etc.

Analysis of the health and lifestyle data can be collected during a periodic health assessment. This may include additional health parameters such as cholesterol levels, cardiovascular risk, diabetes risk, alcohol and drug use.

Stress ECG & Cardiopulmonary exercise testing

Having a chronic disease or undergoing cancer treatment can not only be debilitating, but also have a major impact on your general fitness level and fitness for work.

A recent meta-analysis of different studies on cancer rehabilitation shows that well structured exercise interventions, especially when supervised, have statistically significant and small clinical benefit on self-reported quality of life and physical function in patients with cancer. If you want to learn more about this please watch this Catalyst program on Exercise and Cancer.

However, also other patients with chronic disease such as cardiovascular disease, heart failure, COPD and type 2 diabetes may benefit from structured exercise intervention. Multiple high-quality studies, such as the LookAHEAD study in the USA, have shown that comprehensive lifestyle interventions that include exercise and dietary changes have modest but significant long-term benefits on physical function and glycemic control in overweight and obese middle-aged and older adults with type 2 diabetes.

Key to the success of these programs is that both intensity and volume of the prescribed exercise is tailored to the individual fitness levels.

In collaboration with our allied health professionals we offer physician-supervised clinical exercise testing services to guide and prescribe an effective and safe dose of exercise that will assist in maintaining or regaining your physical fitness and enhance return to work.

Executive Health Checks & Screening

For those who believe that their health and well-being are the most valuable assets to live an active and productive lifestyle, you may benefit from a comprehensive health check-up and screening.

The health check-up involves an intake and extensive physical examination by a sport and exercise physician.

Besides blood tests to assess your risk for type 2 diabetes, your cholesterol and lipid profile, your liver and kidney function, you will also undergo cardiopulmonary exercise (VO2max) testing on a bicycle ergometer with stress-ECG, a coronary CT calcium score and a DEXA scan to assess your body composition, muscle mass and bone mineral density.

Through the new 640 slice Ultra low dose CT scanner, a coronary CT calcium score is performed in one rotation, 0.27 sec, with the lowest dose available on the market.

If indicated, we can also organize a more detailed CT-angiogram of your coronary arteries and / or a follow-up appointment with a cardiologist for an echocardiogram.


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